
The Environmental Index Score of 1 out of 1 is due to all of the indicators from all of the Optimal Conditions currently operating being within the acceptable range. When more indicators are activated, the Environmental Index may change.

The Environmental Index Score of 1 out of 1 is due to all of the indicators from all of the Optimal Conditions currently operating being within the acceptable range.

Overall we combine all the Optimal Conditions and their indicators to rank how many we believe are acceptable vs how many are not performing well to give us an overall “Environment Index Score”

As data becomes available and other Indicators across other environmental Optimal Conditions are entered into the model, we will see more bars on this chart and the Environment Index is expected to change.

Natural habitats are healthy

A. Water level (river height) at Sussex Inlet

B. Water level (river height) on Shoalhaven River (Nowra)

C. Water level (river height) at St Georges Basin (Island Point Road) is within normal range

Wildlife populations are healthy 

Data is being gathered for these indicators and will be included in phase 2.

Waste management facilities and services meets peak period demands

E. Number of complaints to Council regarding waste needing attention

Local beaches are clean of rubbish

F. Reported evidence of illegal fires and fireworks at Mollymoock Beach

G. Reported evidence of illegal fires and fireworks at Hyams Beach during peak season

H. Reported evidence of illegal fires and fireworks at Bendalong Beach during peak season

I. Reported evidence of illegal fires and fireworks during peak season

Optimal Conditions

Finding Indicative Measures to monitor the impact of Tourism in the region. To tell a story of how we indicate what a good balance is against what the community believes is healthy for our Region.