The Community Index Score of 1 out of 1 is due to the only Optimal Condition in operation having all of its Indicators reporting within their acceptable range.
Overall we combine all the Optimal Conditions and their indicators to rank how many we believe are acceptable vs how many are not performing well to give us an overall “Community Index Score”
With many indicators scheduled for phase 2 this is an early indication only.
Note: Some data is not yet publicly available for the September qtr and that is why you can see the line graph drop.
As data becomes available and other Indicators across other Community Optimal Conditions are entered into the model, we will see more bars on this chart and the Community Index may change.
Shoalhaven is a safe place to live and work
Number of fraud reports
Number of reports of motor vehicle break ins
Number of arson reports
Number of admissions to Emergency Department at Shoalhaven and Milton Hospitals
Special places are healthy for local residents to use
Data is being gathered for this condition and will be included in phase two.
Amenity and access to our villages is protected
Indicator – Personal Wellness Index – Standard of Living
Traffic does not compromise access and amenity for local residents
Data is being gathered to assess the proportion of local residents who believe that traffic has been effectively managed to key facilities and attractions at:
- Hyams Beach
- Mollymoock Beach
- Bendalong Beach
Local residents value the visitor economy and its benefits to them
A. Number of local tourism products listed in ATDW (Australian Tourism Data Warehouse) industry
B. Number of communication stories released about the visitor economy into local media – Industry
E. Businesses (that participated in tourism training) enrolled in visitor economy programs
Optimal Conditions
Finding Indicative Measures to monitor the impact of Tourism in the region. To tell a story of how we indicate what a good balance is against what the community believes is healthy for our Region.