
The Economic Index Score is the easiest one to read and understand in Phase One. The Economic Index Score of 0.75 out of 1 is the average of the high scores from Optimal Condition 1 and Optimal Condition 5, as well as the lower scores of Optimal Condition 3 and Optimal Condition 4. When more indicators are activated, the Economic Index will change.

The Economic Index Score of 0.75 out of 1 is the average of the high scores from Optimal Condition 1 and Optimal Condition 5, as well as the lower scores of Optimal Condition 3 and Optimal Condition 4.

Visitation is consistent throughout the year

A. Number of domestic overnight visitors in Shoalhaven

B. Number of domestic day trips to Shoalhaven

C. Number of international overnight visitors to Shoalhaven

D. Occupancy rates for cabins across all Holiday Haven caravan parks within Shoalhaven LGA

F. Occupancy rates for accommodation across Shoalhaven with more than 15 rooms

Visitor yield is increasing at a greater rate than visitation

A. Dollars spent per domestic day tripper

B. Dollars spent by domestic overnight visitors

C. Dollars spent by overnight international visitors

G. Proportion of share of South coast domestic visitor nights

Business demonstrates vitality and resilience

B. Total number of occupation certificates issued to businesses

Year round employment opportunities exist for local residents

A. Size of population aged 20 to 29 years as a proportion of Estimated Residential Population of Shoalhaven

B. Participation rate of local labour force

C. Proportion of employment growth to population growth

Destination marketing is effective

A. Proportion of visitors who primarily visit for Food and Wine

B. Proportion of visitors who primarily come to visit family and friends

C. Proportion of visitors who come from Sydney

D. Proportion of visitors who come from Canberra

E. Proportion of visitors who come from international

F. Proportion of visitors who come from other areas in Australia

L. Number of engagements on Visit Shoalhaven Facebook page – consumer

Optimal Conditions

Finding Indicative Measures to monitor the impact of Tourism in the region. To tell a story of how we indicate what a good balance is against what the community believes is healthy for our Region.